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How Often Should You Do Reverse Back Extension Workouts

If you did some digging online, you’ve probably learned that the basis of your body is the hamstrings, glutes, and back. Of course, all of these muscles have their own purpose, but when they work together, they properly support your spines, as well as your core. And, if you wish to move these tissues together, you should opt for reverse hyperextension workout sessions.

This is why you might be wondering – how often should I do reverse back extension workouts? Fortunately for all individuals that are wondering the same thing, the article below will shed some light on the entire topic, so, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at what you should know:

How Often Should I Do This Type of Workout Sessions?

If you need to do this particular exercise as a rehab means, you should do at least three sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions, three times a week. Additionally, you’ll have to work up 25 percent of your 1-rep max squat weight, and if you don’t know what the weight is, you should start at 50 pounds.

Keep in mind, you shouldn’t feel any discomfort or aches throughout the training, however, if you do sense it, you might need to try lowering the load. If the pain continues appearing, the exercise might not be suitable for you. On the other hand, if you want to develop your hamstrings and glutes, you’ll have to do four to five sets of ten to twelve repetitions one every week, but you should combine it with other activities like deadlifts and/or squats.

A suitable working load is approximately 50 percent of your one-rep max squat load. You might feel some tension and compression in the glutes, but this is completely normal for this type of workout session.

Are There Different Set & Rep Recommendations That I Should Follow?


Yes, there are 4 set and repetitions recommendations that are suitable for different practice models, and the ones that you could follow include:

  • For Building Your Form – if you wish to develop your hinging capacity, you should ensure that you keep the training volume moderate and don’t forget, you must stick with the body weight. You need to do at least 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps with light or moderate loads and at a steady pace. Keep in mind, rest is always needed, so ensure that you get it between rounds.
  • For Building Your Muscles – if you wish to build up your muscles, you should stick with the aforementioned training plan which is 25 percent of your 1-rep max squat pressure. For this, you’ll need a hyperextension machine that will have the right equipment you require. You should do 3 sets of 13-16 repetitions and don’t forget to rest for at least 40 seconds to a minute and a half.
  • For Increasing Your Strength – if you’re objective is to develop your strength, you should follow the previous scheme, however, you should do fewer reps with more weight. Hence, you should do at least 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions, and the load should be equivalent to 50 percent of your 1-rep max squat weight.
  • To Improve Muscle Endurance – if you need to improve the endurance of your muscles, you should begin with your body weight and then do 2 to 4 sets of about 15 to 20 repetitions. You could choose to add a little bit more weight, however, if you choose to do this, you must rest between each of the sets so that you don’t strain yourself too much.

What Are The Benefits That I Could Gain?


Naturally, any form of exercise will be beneficial for your body and overall health, however, if you choose to go through reverse back extension workout sessions, you’ll gain a wide range of benefits, and the most important ones are the following:

1. You’ll Develop Your Glutes And Hamstrings


One of the first benefits that you could gain is that you’ll develop and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings – which is exactly what will help you power, strength, as well as your physical performance. According to, reverse back extension workouts are suitable if you want to limit the extra loading places on your nervous system, hips, and lower back since it decreases the spinal loading and it could help with decompressing your vertebrae.

2. Increased Hip Extension


If you’re an athlete, you know that hip extension is one of the most important things that you have to improve, no matter what sport or recreational activity you enjoy. As mentioned, this type of exercise will aid with moving the glutes and hamstrings, meaning that you could use it for improving the strength of your muscles. This is something that’ll also allow you to be better at other exercises like deadlifts.

3. Resilience to Injuries


No one really likes getting injures, and if you ensure that your hamstrings are flexible and tough, you could prevent injuries from happening. Moves such as the ones that reverse hyperextension entails will allow you, your fellow team members, as well as your coach the glutes and hamstrings without loading your vertebrae and back, hence, if you suffer from lower back issues, this exercise could assist you quite a lot.


There is a wide range of benefits that you could gain from reverse back extension workouts. Not only will you have to do it a couple of times per week, but you can also ensure that you increase your hip extension, that you develop your core muscles, and more importantly, you can prevent injuries – something that is extremely crucial for athletes. One more thing that could help you out to both prevent injuries but also to recover are various supplements. Bulk Supplements Direct has many different supplements on offer so check it out.

So, now that you’ve learned more about reverse back extension workouts, you shouldn’t waste any more of your free time. Instead, you might want to talk with your coach or physician in order to determine whether or not this type of exercise is suitable for you and if it can help you improve your performance.