
7 Interesting Facts To Know About Tarot Card Decks

Tarot card reading is a practice where believers use tarot cards to learn more about what happened in the past, current time, or future. They come up with a query and then use decks to evaluate it. A standard tarot deck contains 78 cards divided into two groups, the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.

Every card scheme fits to recognizable aspects, like, French-suited decks of cards, can be employed which are- water, air, fire, and earth.

Tarot card interpretation is an art form that necessitates a certain level of expertise and practice. It aids in a better understanding of one’s divine, sentimental, and physiological worlds. Here are some facts about this practice that you should be aware of before beginning to practice tarot.

Practiced since the 14th century


These were initially invented in the fourteenth century and were originally used to play games. They were not used for prophecy until the eighteenth century and did not become prominent in the United States before the start of the twentieth century.

The idea of the decks’ fortune-telling significance is connected to faith in their mystical abilities, which was popularized in the eighteenth century by renowned Protestant clerics as well as freemasons.

Tarot Card analysis

Tarot card analysis is a type of divination that involves the use of a deck

Cartomancy is the terminology used for tarot cards that loosely translates to “searching for visions of the future.” Most individuals assume that tarot cards can foresee a person’s destiny. Nonetheless, they are used to decipher a person’s state by digging deeper into their thoughts. These decks do not tell you what will happen tomorrow, but they can assist you to get closer to your goals.

Tarot should not be used to answer yes or no questions. Many experts say it must not be used in making decisions, but rather as a thing to assist you in making your own.

A Deck’s significance


There are 78 cards in a tarot deck. The Major, as well as Minor Arcana, are the two types. Aranca is a Spanish word that means “enigmas” or “mysteries.” The Major Arcana often referred to as trump, consists of 22 cards. These cards can assist in determining one’s path to illumination. The Minor Arcana contains 56 cards. They are later separated into four suits, each representing a different component.

Every Minor Arcana club is connected with a specific concern. Cups are associated with emotions, Pentacles with wealth and house, Swords with dispute and overcomplication, and Wands with career and aspiration.

The Major Arcana decks represent valuable teachings, karma effects, and big mythological motifs that are influencing your existence and your spirit’s journey to awakening. Such tarot cards are significant in evaluating your reality’s general long-term elements.

The Purpose of the Court Cards

The tarot, similar to regular playing cards, has four suits: king, queen, knight, and a fifth card named page. These court decks depict individuals or their impact on the querent’s existence. The king symbol represents male strength and influence. The queen in a card represents emotions, passion, and feminine leadership.

The knight card is associated with vitality and vigor. Page decks represent children or adults who imitate children. A thorough examination of page cards aids the user in determining which factor is having an impact on a human’s life.

 Famous Myths Debunked


Only people with superhuman abilities can analyze and understand tarot cards, according to a preposterous superstition. There is no need to be ‘spiritual’ to accomplish it; nevertheless, perception contributes to the understanding of the readings and the uncovering of the cards’ traditional significance.

The common misconception regarding tarot is that it can never be inaccurate. Our fate is determined by the environment we live in, the path we choose, and the freedom and independence we have.

The advice you obtain from the tarot is sole to prepare yourself. A bad event prophesied by the cards can be avoided if we focus our energies on reducing the damage and being better prepared to deal with it. The idea of this myth is completely untrue.

It is a common misconception that someone must never purchase their Tarot deck. That’s not the case. You must permit yourself to be attracted to the cards, just as gemstones may lure you towards them. To purchase the finest practical tarot card decks, you can visit this site.

Drawing the death suit implies that somebody will die: This is among the most persistent myths. We all know that death is unavoidable, the death card in tarot does not necessarily suggest that you or somebody close to you will die. Death is usually associated with transitions. Alteration might be uncomfortable sometimes, but it is occasionally required to advance in existence.

The Connotations of Symbols

By imagining the tarot, one can meditate. Select a card that appeals to you, shut your eyelids, envision the card enlarging to the height of a gateway, and visualize yourself entering inside the card to investigate the imagery and energies.

Ancient sets inspired by the Latin Tarot, including the Rider-Waite-Smith set, contain certain characters. There are various current decks with various graphics, groups, concepts, and emblems. To emphasize the readings, you can utilize symbolism from dream analysis or telepathic patterns, numerology, Jungian archetypal, and color values to examine the icons on these cards.

The Upside Down card


Certain people would select the initial card they feel, whereas others will reshuffle the deck several rounds until deciding on one. You can obtain reversed tarot cards occasionally, which means you will get an upside-down card rather than a right-side-up one. Also, the inverted cards’ lessons can be very meaningful.

Once you pick tarot cards, you may not have to interpret flipped ones. Alternatively, you can study their conventional definitions. It weaves and changes the encounter, not inevitably reversing the message.


In the end, tarot reading is a unique experience, and each card can be described independently. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can trust your instincts.